Carl Andre and Melissa Kretschmer, Dialogues, 1000eventi and Libri Schweiwiller, Milan, 2005, ISBN: 88-7644-454-8

Carl Andre and Melissa Kretschmer, A Conversation, exh. cat., Galerie Frank, Paris, 1999

Uschi Baetz, exhibition review, Kölnische Rundschau, October 21, 2003, no. 244

Celia Berghoffen, Exploring “Qualities of Change” in Materials, The Villager, November 16, 1994, vol. 65, no. 25

Kristie Betts, Transparent Motives, Boulder Weekly, May 3, 2001

Jeff Bradley, exhibition review, The Denver Post, May 26, 1999

Claude Briand-Picard, Ready-Made Color: la couleur importée, Positions & MCA, October 2002, ISBN: 2-9509864-2-0

Sterry Butcher, Tar and Glass Works Exhibited by Westenburg Gallery, The Big Bend Sentinel, October 7, 1999

James D. Campbell, Images/After Images: More Than Meets the Eye, exhibition catalogue, Work Space Gallery, 1996

Fernando Castro, EEUU-BÉLGICA: el Fascinante Poder de la Pintura, Capital Arte, September 2016

Mary Voelz Chandler, Sculptor’s Sights Planted Firmly on the Ground, Denver Rocky Mountain News, May 30, 1999

Mary Voelz Chandler, Art is a Very Material Thing, Denver Rocky Mountain News, August 11, 2000

Mary Voelz Chandler, Pedestal Art, Denver Rocky Mountain News, May 2001

Collette Chattonpadhyay, exhibition review, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, Sculpture, June 2002, vol. 21, no. 5

Catherine Corman, New Wave Women: Frieze, The Huffington Post, October 6, 2016

Muriel de Crayencour, Vibratory Paintings at the Vanderborght,, September 24, 2016

Juan Cruz, Carl Andre / Melissa Kretschmer, Art Monthly, OCTOBER, 1998, no. 220

Phillipe Dagen, Tout Nouveau, Tout Frais, Le Monde, June 11, 1993

Aliénor Debrocq, La Peinture, Phénix Aux Cendres Ardentes,Le Soir, October 5, 2016

Karlyn De Jongh and Sarah Gold, PERSONAL STRUCTURES: LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 2011, exhibition catalogue,

GlobalArtAffairs Publishing, Bonn, Germany, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-941763-08-1

Due, exhibition catalogue, 1000eventi, Milan, February 2005

J. Gluckstern, Minimal Efforts - Artists Andre, Kretschmer explore floors, walls at Rule, Sunday Camera, July 30, 2000

Mark Harris, Material Abuse, exhibition catalogue, Trans Hudson Gallery, 1995

Eleanor Heartney, Painting After Postmodernism, ARTPRESS, December 16, 2016

Eleanor Heartney, Saved by Abstraction?, Art in America, February, 2017

Matthew Kangas, exhibition review, Stark Gallery, New York, Glass, no. 88, fall 2002

Karen Kitchel, exhibition review, New/Art Examiner, September, 1999

Christopher Knight, Light and Space Pieces- Coming from New York?, Los Angeles Times, September 16, 1999

Claudia Kock Marti, Kühles Glas und grauer Beton- Carl Andre und Melissa Kretschmer in der Galerie Tschudi,

Glarner Nachrichten, November 25, 1998

Stefanie Kreuzer, Guido Schlimbach and Lilly Wei, Melissa Kretschmer: Beneath the Surface, Distanz Verlag GmbH,

Berlin, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-95476-322-1

Paul Levy, Pap Goes the Easel: Painting After Postmodernism, Belgium - USA, ARTSJOURNAL blog,

September 25, 2016

Claude Lorent, Un Puissant Manifeste Pictural Belgo-Américain, La Libre - Arts Libre, October 7, 2016

Davina Macario, Aprés le Postmodernisme-Peintures Belges et Américains, ‘Eventail, September, 2016

Kyle MacMillan, Exhibit Clearly Compels, The Denver Post, May 11, 2001

Tom McGlynn, After, Ever After, The Brooklyn Rail, November 1, 2016

Tom McGlynn, Painting After Postmodernism: Belgium-USA-Italy, The Brooklyn Rail, May 1, 2018

Adam McGovern, Surface Issues, Cover, May, 1991

Duncan McMillan, Reflected Glory, The Scotsman, August 27, 1998

Friedhelm Mennekes and Guido Schlimbach, Melissa Kretschmer, exhibition catalogue, Kunst-Station,

Sankt Peter Köln, 2003

Joe Miller, Carving Reality, The Boulder Weekly, May 27-June 2, 1999

Robert C. Morgan, Who Takes Glass Seriously?, Glass, no. 100, Fall 2005

Saul Ostrow, Assemblage, Bricollage and the I: Meg Cranston, Melissa Kretschmer and Maya Lin, BOMB, #35, spring 1991

Michael Paglia, To the Max, Westword, June 3-9, 1999, vol. 22, no. 40

Michael Paglia, More or Less: Contemporary Sculptors Follow Distinctive Paths at the Curtis Center and Rule Gallery,

Westword, August 31, 2000

Marco Pierini, Governare il CasoI, exhibition catalogue, Magonza, Pinacoteca Comunale di Città di Castello, 2015,

ISBN: 978-88-98756-27-8

Sugar Rautbord, Painting After Postmodernism, Blockbuster in Brussles, The Huffington Post, October 26, 2016

Vivien Raynor, Unsettling Social Commentary with Materials as “Victims”, The New York Times, Sunday, June 30, 1996

Vivian Raynor, A Gallery’s Farewell to this Side of the River, The New York Times, Sunday, June 30, 1996

Alistair Rider, Carl Andre To Go, BLAU International, winter 2019/2020, no. 1

Sara Roffino, Q&A: Curator Barbara Rose on Melissa Kretschmer and Martin Kline, BLOUINARTINFO International,

May 18, 2016

Sara Roffino, Painting After Postmodernism, Curated by Barbara Rose, BLOUINARTINFO International, September 26, 2016

Barbara Rose, Inside Out: Martin Kline and Melissa Kretschmer, exhibition catalogue, Paul Rodgers / 9W, 2016,

ISBN: 978-0-692-53562-2

Barbara Rose, PAINTING AFTER POSTMODERNISM, exhibition catalogue, Lannoo and Roberto Polo Gallery, 2016,

ISBN: 978-94-01437-64-6

Barbara Rose, Many Strategies for Survival: Barbara Rose on Painting after Postmodernism, The Art Newspaper,

November 3, 2016

Barbara Rose, Barbara Rose, ARTFORUM, September 23, 2016

Barbara Rose and Timothy A. Eaton, Anti Icon, exhibition catalogue, Eaton Fine Art, Inc., 2010

Sue Scott, Through a Glass Darkly, Glass, no. 59, spring 1995

George Stolz, Painting After Postmodernism: A Manifesto Exhibition, ArtReview, January & February, 2017

Adam Szymczyk, Questions and Answers: Carl Andre in Conversation with Melissa Kretschmer, Carl Andre Black Wholes,

Kunsthalle Basel, 2005

Dean Swanson and Martin Friedman, LeWITT X 2, exhibition catalogue, Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, 2006

Alexey Tarkhanov, Painters Strike Back, Kommersant Daily, September 9, 2016

Phyllis Tuchman, Painting After Postmodernism: Belgium - USA, Artforum, January, 2017

Georgio Valentino, Painting is Alive and Well and Living in… Belgium and the USA, Flanders Today, August 10, 2016

Christine Vuegen, Lansbreker Voor Rasechte Schilders, H Art, September 9, 2016

Lilly Wei, Glass, Seriously, catalogue essay, Dorsky Gallery, April, 2005

Lilly Wei, Transparent Façade: From New York to Los Angeles, catalogue essay, Otis Art Institute, July 1999

Karen Wilkin, Painting After Postmodernism, The New Criterion, March 2017

Karen Wilkin, Painting After Postmodernism III, The New Criterion, June 2018